Date of measurement 2019-05-31
Index of measurement run 1
Sample name Figure2c_Blood_Initial_Channel
Number of recorded events 5.81e+04
Start time of measurement 12:08:06

Software soRTDC_version-unknown-2019
Modules used AcCellerator
Flow rate in channel 0.04 µL/s
Imaged chip region channel
Medium used 0.59% MC-PBS
Sample flow rate 0.01 µL/s
Sheath flow rate 0.03 µL/s
Unique setup identifier ZMDD-AcC-c334f9-91bd67
Width of microfluidic channel 20 µm

Image height 70 px
Image width 200 px
Image x coordinate on sensor 504 px
Image y coordinate on sensor 472 px
Imaging frame rate 2000 Hz
Light source device type LED (undefined)
Light source flash duration 2 µs
Pixel size 0.34 µm

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