Click on the log titles below to expand the log entries present in this DC resource.
date = 2022-05-25
event count = 11089
run index = 1
sample = P68_2_Lung_unstained
time = 19:03:05
baseline 1 offset = -11
baseline 2 offset = -20
baseline 3 offset = -2
bit depth = 16
channel 1 name = 525/50
channel 2 name = 593/46
channel 3 name = 700/75
channel count = 3
channels installed = 3
laser 1 lambda = 488.000000000000
laser 1 power = 2.000000000000
laser 3 lambda = 640.000000000000
laser 3 power = 50.000000000000
laser count = 2
lasers installed = 3
sample rate = 625000
samples per event = 353
signal max = 1.000000000000
signal min = -1.000000000000
trace median = 5
flash device = LED (ZMD L1)
flash duration = 2.000000000000
frame rate = 1600.000000000000
pixel size = 0.339000000000
roi position x = 533
roi position y = 470
roi size x = 250
roi size y = 80
bg empty = True
bin area min = 10
bin kernel = 5
bin threshold = -6
image blur = 0
no absdiff = True
area_ratio max = 1.050000000000
area_ratio min = 1.000000000000
area_ratio soft limit = False
area_um max = 1500.000000000000
area_um min = 10.000000000000
area_um soft limit = False
aspect max = 3.000000000000
aspect min = 1.000000000000
aspect soft limit = False
deform max = 0.240000000000
deform min = 0.000000000000
deform soft limit = True
size_x max = 80.000000000000
size_x min = 1.000000000000
size_x soft limit = False
size_y max = 80.000000000000
size_y min = 1.000000000000
size_y soft limit = False
channel width = 20.000000000000
chip region = channel
flow rate = 0.060000000000
flow rate sample = 0.015000000000
flow rate sheath = 0.045000000000
identifier = ZMDD-AcC-774f84-3da488
medium = CellCarrierB
module composition = AcCellerator,FluorescenceModule
software version =
temperature = 0.000000000000
date = 2022-05-25
event count = 41436
run index = 2
sample = P68_2_Lung_unstained
time = 19:16:42
baseline 1 offset = -13
baseline 2 offset = -18
baseline 3 offset = -2
bit depth = 16
channel 1 name = 525/50
channel 2 name = 593/46
channel 3 name = 700/75
channel count = 3
channels installed = 3
laser 1 lambda = 488.000000000000
laser 1 power = 2.000000000000
laser 3 lambda = 640.000000000000
laser 3 power = 50.000000000000
laser count = 2
lasers installed = 3
sample rate = 625000
samples per event = 353
signal max = 1.000000000000
signal min = -1.000000000000
trace median = 5
flash device = LED (ZMD L1)
flash duration = 2.000000000000
frame rate = 1600.000000000000
pixel size = 0.339000000000
roi position x = 533
roi position y = 470
roi size x = 250
roi size y = 80
bg empty = True
bin area min = 10
bin kernel = 5
bin threshold = -6
image blur = 0
no absdiff = True
area_ratio max = 1.050000000000
area_ratio min = 1.000000000000
area_ratio soft limit = False
area_um max = 1500.000000000000
area_um min = 10.000000000000
area_um soft limit = False
aspect max = 3.000000000000
aspect min = 1.000000000000
aspect soft limit = False
deform max = 0.240000000000
deform min = 0.000000000000
deform soft limit = True
size_x max = 80.000000000000
size_x min = 1.000000000000
size_x soft limit = False
size_y max = 80.000000000000
size_y min = 1.000000000000
size_y soft limit = False
channel width = 20.000000000000
chip region = channel
flow rate = 0.060000000000
flow rate sample = 0.015000000000
flow rate sheath = 0.045000000000
identifier = ZMDD-AcC-774f84-3da488
medium = CellCarrierB
module composition = AcCellerator,FluorescenceModule
software version =
temperature = 0.000000000000
date = 2022-05-25
event count = 3767
run index = 4
sample = P68_2_Lung_unstained
time = 19:36:24
baseline 1 offset = -13
baseline 2 offset = -18
baseline 3 offset = -2
bit depth = 16
channel 1 name = 525/50
channel 2 name = 593/46
channel 3 name = 700/75
channel count = 3
channels installed = 3
laser 1 lambda = 488.000000000000
laser 1 power = 2.000000000000
laser 3 lambda = 640.000000000000
laser 3 power = 50.000000000000
laser count = 2
lasers installed = 3
sample rate = 625000
samples per event = 353
signal max = 1.000000000000
signal min = -1.000000000000
trace median = 5
flash device = LED (ZMD L1)
flash duration = 2.000000000000
frame rate = 1600.000000000000
pixel size = 0.339000000000
roi position x = 533
roi position y = 470
roi size x = 250
roi size y = 80
bg empty = True
bin area min = 10
bin kernel = 5
bin threshold = -6
image blur = 0
no absdiff = True
area_ratio max = 1.050000000000
area_ratio min = 1.000000000000
area_ratio soft limit = False
area_um max = 1500.000000000000
area_um min = 10.000000000000
area_um soft limit = False
aspect max = 3.000000000000
aspect min = 1.000000000000
aspect soft limit = False
deform max = 0.240000000000
deform min = 0.000000000000
deform soft limit = True
size_x max = 80.000000000000
size_x min = 1.000000000000
size_x soft limit = False
size_y max = 80.000000000000
size_y min = 1.000000000000
size_y soft limit = False
channel width = 20.000000000000
chip region = channel
flow rate = 0.060000000000
flow rate sample = 0.015000000000
flow rate sheath = 0.045000000000
identifier = ZMDD-AcC-774f84-3da488
medium = CellCarrierB
module composition = AcCellerator,FluorescenceModule
software version =
temperature = 0.000000000000
date = 2022-05-25
event count = 3662
run index = 3
sample = P68_2_Lung_unstained
time = 19:40:57
baseline 1 offset = -13
baseline 2 offset = -18
baseline 3 offset = -2
bit depth = 16
channel 1 name = 525/50
channel 2 name = 593/46
channel 3 name = 700/75
channel count = 3
channels installed = 3
laser 1 lambda = 488.000000000000
laser 1 power = 2.000000000000
laser 3 lambda = 640.000000000000
laser 3 power = 50.000000000000
laser count = 2
lasers installed = 3
sample rate = 625000
samples per event = 353
signal max = 1.000000000000
signal min = -1.000000000000
trace median = 5
flash device = LED (ZMD L1)
flash duration = 2.000000000000
frame rate = 1600.000000000000
pixel size = 0.339000000000
roi position x = 533
roi position y = 470
roi size x = 250
roi size y = 80
bg empty = True
bin area min = 10
bin kernel = 5
bin threshold = -6
image blur = 0
no absdiff = True
area_ratio max = 1.050000000000
area_ratio min = 1.000000000000
area_ratio soft limit = False
area_um max = 1500.000000000000
area_um min = 10.000000000000
area_um soft limit = False
aspect max = 3.000000000000
aspect min = 1.000000000000
aspect soft limit = False
deform max = 0.240000000000
deform min = 0.000000000000
deform soft limit = True
size_x max = 80.000000000000
size_x min = 1.000000000000
size_x soft limit = False
size_y max = 80.000000000000
size_y min = 1.000000000000
size_y soft limit = False
channel width = 20.000000000000
chip region = channel
flow rate = 0.060000000000
flow rate sample = 0.015000000000
flow rate sheath = 0.045000000000
identifier = ZMDD-AcC-774f84-3da488
medium = CellCarrierB
module composition = AcCellerator,FluorescenceModule
software version =
temperature = 0.000000000000
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"version": "10.0.18362"
"task": {
"name": "update metadata",
"new": {
"experiment:sample": "S9_Lung_Healthy"
"old": {
"experiment:sample": "P68_2_Lung_unstained_combined"
"utc": {
"date": "2023-01-19",
"time": "16:31:04"
"files": [
"index": 1,
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"version": "10.0.18363"
"utc": {
"date": "2023-01-19",
"time": "20:57:03"
"files": [
"index": 1,
"name": "M001_data.rtdc",
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"index": 3,
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"sha256": "adc781cc0063e8273f78badd56db8ab2d02eeb733c4a1bccdca14ed6d9416afa"
"index": 4,
"name": "M003_data.rtdc",
"sha256": "6cdfdc779cd0ddff142ab027c1fc44d1b66b0dabc6ebbc64eac802719cd70d58"
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"machine": "AMD64",
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"release": "10",
"version": "10.0.19041"
"utc": {
"date": "2022-05-25",
"time": "17:47:42"
[LOG] 19:04:12.865 Events written: 1001
[LOG] 19:05:20.460 Events written: 2003
[LOG] 19:06:23.787 Events written: 3000
[LOG] 19:07:33.896 Events written: 4000
[LOG] 19:08:49.038 Events written: 5001
[LOG] 19:09:51.490 Events written: 6002
[LOG] 19:10:46.398 Events written: 7001
[LOG] 19:11:48.521 Events written: 8000
[LOG] 19:13:14.819 Events written: 9001
[LOG] 19:14:15.303 Events written: 10001
[LOG] 19:15:43.129 Events written: 11000
[LOG] 19:16:11.087 Stop measurement
[WARNING] 19:16:11.088 Forced background image aggregations: 67963 times
[LOG] 19:18:04.973 Events written: 1000
[LOG] 19:19:17.598 Events written: 2000
[LOG] 19:20:28.583 Events written: 3000
[LOG] 19:21:47.334 Events written: 4001
[LOG] 19:23:06.520 Events written: 5000
[LOG] 19:24:28.989 Events written: 6001
[LOG] 19:25:58.457 Events written: 7000
[LOG] 19:27:09.661 Events written: 8001
[LOG] 19:27:49.272 Events written: 9056
[LOG] 19:27:49.969 Events written: 10103
[LOG] 19:27:50.454 Events written: 11059
[LOG] 19:27:50.877 Events written: 12209
[LOG] 19:27:51.298 Events written: 13208
[LOG] 19:27:51.721 Events written: 14050
[LOG] 19:27:52.376 Events written: 15106
[LOG] 19:27:52.731 Events written: 16021
[LOG] 19:27:53.164 Events written: 17142
[LOG] 19:27:53.514 Events written: 18188
[LOG] 19:27:54.189 Events written: 19020
[LOG] 19:27:54.880 Events written: 20107
[LOG] 19:27:55.457 Events written: 21222
[LOG] 19:27:55.780 Events written: 22020
[LOG] 19:27:56.320 Events written: 23008
[LOG] 19:27:56.849 Events written: 24050
[LOG] 19:27:57.829 Events written: 25000
[LOG] 19:27:58.702 Events written: 26080
[LOG] 19:27:59.564 Events written: 27025
[LOG] 19:28:00.772 Events written: 28046
[LOG] 19:28:05.375 Events written: 29038
[LOG] 19:28:08.114 Events written: 30015
[LOG] 19:28:08.699 Events written: 31135
[LOG] 19:28:09.047 Events written: 32216
[LOG] 19:28:09.356 Events written: 33182
[LOG] 19:28:09.860 Events written: 34024
[LOG] 19:28:10.355 Events written: 35165
[LOG] 19:28:11.579 Events written: 36046
[LOG] 19:28:16.638 Events written: 37081
[LOG] 19:28:22.552 Events written: 38174
[LOG] 19:28:23.095 Events written: 39000
[LOG] 19:28:24.825 Events written: 40016
[LOG] 19:28:25.705 Events written: 41006
[LOG] 19:28:27.012 Stop measurement
[WARNING] 19:28:27.012 Forced background image aggregations: 6832 times
[LOG] 19:37:20.596 Events written: 1000
[LOG] 19:38:25.127 Events written: 2000
[LOG] 19:39:35.566 Events written: 3000
[LOG] 19:40:48.453 Stop measurement
[WARNING] 19:40:48.454 Forced background image aggregations: 23538 times
[LOG] 19:41:57.704 Events written: 1000
[LOG] 19:43:03.549 Events written: 2001
[LOG] 19:43:54.095 Events written: 3057
[LOG] 19:44:01.625 Stop measurement
[WARNING] 19:44:01.626 Forced background image aggregations: 2412 times